28 November 2010

The Blank Canvas Income Statement & Summary

Project F.L.I.P’s final event of the year “The Blank Canvas” was a success and we would like to thank everyone who came and support. We hope you enjoyed the night as much as we did.

Also, special thanks to Lum U Jun (Marco) and Eve management for collaborating with us for this event. U Jun has given us the flexibility to organise and plan the event to suit our needs and thanks to him, we managed to make the most out of it. To all artists, designers and models (zillie and shaz to list their names), a big thank you, and we truly appreciate you in putting the effort to making it such a successful one. Not to mention, to our friends and families who donated to our cause, we thank you for your generosity.

Through this event, Project F.L.I.P managed to raise an additional AUD$2,395.00, bringing the total balance to a whopping AUD$9812. An income statement is produced by Mun Fye Chang and Wei-Xiang Teoh of the Finance Division of Project F.L.I.P. Supporting this document will be the Project F.L.I.P’s final bank account statement which will be published on http://forloveinpeople.blogspot.com. As most of you would know, there is a Project F.L.I.P. group page on Facebook and we would love for everyone to be a part of it.

As much as we hate to say, this would be Project F.L.I.P’s official closure. It’s been a wonderful year with three successful events, namely “The Beatles Unplugged”, “ROFL” and “The Blank Canvas”. Project F.L.I.P would like to express our gratitude to all our friends and everyone who came and support our cause. We couldn’t have done it without you. Many thanks to Miss Libertine, Comics Lounge and Eve for providing the venues, it’s been a pleasure.

Project F.L.I.P

Eve - The Blank Canvas

Income Statement for the month ended 31 October 2010

Revenue $ $
Ticket Sales 2,340.00
Donations 2,040.00
Auction proceeds 620.00

Total revenue

Less Expenses


Fingerfood 600.00
Bar tab 500.00
Ticket sales @ 50% 1,170.00
Materials (Frames, Canvas) & Ticket Printing 270.00
Office supplies - Tape, blu-tack, etc 65.00

Total expenses

Net Income

Prepared by Mun Fye Chang.

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